NCReport Changelog
v2.30.2 - 25 Sep 2024
- Designer: selection markers have changed to circles
- Rotated text alingnment support
- Correct handling of vertical texts
- Rotated text positioning issues
- File name evaluating issue fix
- Qt6 compatibility fixes
- Other minor fixes
v2.30.1 - 31 Aug 2024
- Designer: Handling default database connections
Fixes on Text/Label Font size differences in outputs. Preview and designer now is much closer to the PDF output
SQL syntax highlight issue fix
Other fixes
v2.30.0 - 30 Jun 2024
- Barcode Item: 3 different Zint int options for some special barcode features
- Added updated documentation (NCReportBook.pdf)
- Email sending functions gets removed
- All
references in the code have been encapsulated inNCREPORT_DEBUG_OUTPUT
Updated the old logo based graphics
Other internal fixes
v2.29.2 - 30 Apr 2024
- iOS compatibility improvements
Other minor internal fixes
v2.29.1 - 29 Dec 2023
- QPrinter custom configuration feature with customizePrinter(QPrinter*) signal
- Document name in printing
Zint fixes
Enabled larger QR code support
Other fixes
v2.29.0 - 20 Oct 2023
- Field - zero value substitution string feature
- Preview output programmable font size factor (API)
- Designer does not produce unnecessary diffs when saving generated XML report template
Conditional formatting issue when using QJSEngine
Print Preview Form font size issue on MacOS
Zint Lib and VC2015 compiler fix
Zint MSVC compiler issue fix
Other internal fixes
v2.28.1 - 03 May 2023
Zint library compiler errors
Other minor fixes
v2.28.0 - 07 Feb 2023
New version (2.12.0) of Zint library has been implemented
LibZint library using Zint back end as shared lib
Latest Zint barcode symbology support
Barcode native or fast rendering mode option
Additional Qt4 compatibility fixes
NCReportSection class changed to a plain class
Other minor fixes
v2.27.2 - 29 Dec 2022
Qt4 compatibility fixes
SVG output path name fix
Cross Table crash fix
v2.27.1 - 03 Oct 2022
- Programmable QLocal setting for number formatting (i.e m_report->reportDef()->setLocale( QLocale(QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedKingdom) );
- Number Currency print based on QLocale (number format: C)
Qt6 compatibility fixes (QPdfWriter based PDF printing page size issue fix)
MSVC compiler issue fix (version number)
Version numbering reversed back
Minor projectinternal fixes
v2.27.0 - 30 Sep 2022
- Qt4 backward compatibility updates
- Parameter data source improvement
- Zint 3rd party library is compiled as (separated) shared lib -> -lzint / -lzintd
- Table View item features improvement: auto row height support, fixed font size support
- report engine debug library was renamed from NCReportDebug to NCReportd
Qt6 compatibility fixes (page size identifiers)
Table item fixes
Version number handling updates
Other minor internal fixes
v2.26.1 - 30 Apr 2022
- Table Item without table view support. It’s possible to print a QStandardItemModel without having an item view
- Explicit directory path setting for report related files (data source, report template, images …) with application level properties: PATH0 - PATH9. It can be set via qApp->setProperty(“PATHx”, dirPath);
- Report Designer API feature improvements
- Poland translation added (Thanks to my one of the Poland customers!)
Group Header Print Lock issue when section auto height is applied
SQL query fails if SQL statement ends with semicolon
Zint fixes
Several internal fixes
v2.26.0 - 31 Jan 2022
- Qt6 Compability. Note that minor differences can be noticed compared to Qt5
- Optional insert a page break after printing an item (can be turn on at the item property dialog)
- Updated Poland translation
- Script function evaluation without <% %>
Justified field/label looses the alignment
Several other internal fixes
v2.25.1 - 20 Jul 2021
- QJSEngine as member object in evaluator
- Table item custom cell drawing feature
- Progress signal within the table view item
Running a report that has a group without a header suspends the program
Rotated text item issue in the designer
rotated barcode - designer issue
Other internal fixes
v2.25.0 - 31 Mar 2021
- Sub-section for group headers - sub-details can belong to a group header
- Detail section can be repeated by a variable’s value
- Native Qt markdown support when using Qt5.14 or greater
Labels mode: page break problem when labels are on more than 1 page
Several minor internal fixes
v2.24.2 - 21 Dec 2020
0071983: [Report engine library] Access to batch sub-reports
0071986: [Designer] Default value is missing from the variable editor
0071989: [General] Dynamic date format for dates
0071987: [General] Feature: Insert a unique (B) page after every n page
Several internal engine fixes
v2.24.1 - 03 Aug 2020
0071982: [General] Optional Page break after printing an item (administrator)
0071981: [General] Internal fixes and updates (administrator)
0071978: [Designer] Replacing parent key column empty value with user-defined value (administrator)
v2.24.0 - 01.Jun.2020
0071973: [Report engine library] Preview page mouse click events handling (administrator)
0071974: [Report engine library] Evaluating QPainter::begin()’s and QPainter::::end()’s return value (bool) (administrator)
0071975: [Report engine library] PDF output to set the creator (administrator)
0071977: [General] Internal fixes and updates (administrator)
0071972: [Report engine library] Excel output (markup language output) wrong position problem (administrator)
v2.23.4 - 24.Dec.2019
0071971: [General] XLS/HTML ou- tput rowspan (administrator)
0071970: [Report engine library] HTML output image file relative path (administrator)
0071968: [Report engine library] Turning off Zint dependency still requires Zint lib (administrator)
0071967: [Report engine library] batch report fixes, null pointer fixes (administrator)
0071964: [Report engine library] Text document print - crash fix when long break html text (administrator)
0071966: [Report engine library] graphics view item scaling fix (administrator)
0071965: [General] Multiple SQL commands support in SQL data source (administrator)
0071959: [Designer] MacOSX data source dialog - the combo box values are not considered (administrator)
0071962: [Report engine library] Relative path to the external file - regression to 0071674 (administrator)
0071963: [Report engine library] Preview window to make the saving state optional (administrator)
v2.23.3 - 30.Sep.2019
0071958: [Report engine library] Preview window optional status bar / menu (administrator)
0071957: [Report engine library] fix QSqlTableModel view bug: Integer values are missing (administrator)
0071954: [General] Several minor fixes (administrator)
0071956: [Report engine library] Data source opening order by data source ID (administrator)
0071955: [Report engine library] Unwanted page break after group header (administrator)
0071950: [General] PDF/A, PDF1.6 support in PDF output. (administrator)
v2.23.2 - 02.Maj.2019
0071941: [Report engine library] MacOSX Framework settings - to make the lib more XCode friendly. (administrator)
0071942: [General] Make unnecessary subprojects optional: preview, demos (administrator)
0071944: [Report engine library] Separate NCReportZint debug and release version (administrator)
0071943: [General] Encountered some build issues with NCReport when special configure options. (administrator)
0071945: [General] Qt::TextWrapAnywhere optional for texts and fields (administrator)
0071948: [General] Extensions, features, subprojects - optional compile (administrator)
0071947: [Report engine library] Auto fit the NCReport Preview window width to the 1:1 page width. (administrator)
0071946: [Designer] Drag & Drop open report file in Designer (administrator)
0071940: [Report engine library] Variable in XML data source file name (administrator)
0071938: [Report engine library] crash during ‘runReportToText()’ in case of missing target directory (administrator)
v2.23.1 - 21.Jan.2018
0071936: [General] Minor internal fixes (administrator)
0071932: [Report engine library] Anchor to page footer doesn’t work if page break occurs (administrator)
0071933: [Report engine library] Barcode text is always on, the show barcode text check box doesn’t work (administrator)
0071934: [Designer] Variable dialog: MAX type is not considered on apply (administrator)
0071935: [General] Reset page number in sub report iteration. (administrator)
v2.23.0 - 30.Oct.2018
0071930: [General] Internal fixes (administrator)
0071929: [General] Zint Barcode Library integration (administrator)
0071925: [Designer] crash when closing application via ‘qApp->quit()’ (administrator)
0071926: [General] Using ‘QPointer
’ instead of ’NCReportDataSource *’ (administrator) 0071927: [Report engine library] Rename NCReportDebug to NCReportd (administrator)
0071928: [Report engine library] unnecessary page break after report footer (administrator)
v2.22.3 - 31.Jul.2018
0071920: [General] Language + Country support for multilingual reports (administrator)
0071919: [Report engine library] empty PDF when using custom size and runReportToPdfWriter() (administrator)
0071914: [Report engine library] Combining ‘common NCReport’ and ‘NCREPORT_NO_DESKTOP’ into the same DLL (administrator)
0071923: [Report engine library] Deactivate saving the filename as qApp-property optionally (administrator)
0071924: [Designer] Qt 5.11 QButtonGroup include issue (administrator)
0071922: [Report engine library] pdf output - landscape not respected (administrator)
0071921: [Report engine library] Page orientation ignored by the printer (administrator)
0071917: [Report engine library] runReportToPdfWriter issue when custom paper size is set (administrator)
v2.22.2 - 31.Mar.2018
0071916: [General] Severel internal fix and update (administrator)
0071914: [Report engine library] Combining ‘common NCReport’ and ‘NCREPORT_NO_DESKTOP’ into the same DLL (administrator)
0071915: [Report engine library] Icon missing produces crash in macOS due to Qt Bug (administrator)
0071913: [Designer] Resizing report items by keyboard shortcut Shift + Arrows (administrator)
v2.22.1 - 31.Oct.2017
0071912: [Report engine library] add Null-Pointer check? (administrator)
0071901: [General] Reset pageno between groups optionally (administrator)
0071902: [General] Table Item - optional decimal point setting (administrator)
0071911: [Report engine library] Qt Chart items / Graphics View Items was wrong scaling on report outputs (administrator)
0071897: [Report engine library] Extra blank page (administrator)
0071903: [Report engine library] setCurrentLanguage method to change current local settings. This should be optional. (administrator)
0071910: [Report engine library] In Batch report mode needs a signal when a sub-report starts (administrator)
0071909: [General] Numerous internal fixes (administrator)
0071908: [Report engine library] Unwanted margin around rich text item, it should be removed. (administrator)
0071904: [General] Html Text alignment based on data model (administrator)
0071906: [Designer] Designer problem with SQL datasources and slow queries (administrator)
v2.22.0 - 08.Aug.2017
0071878: [General] Errors during make process on macOS Sierra 10.12.5 (administrator)
0071868: [General] set resolution via Designer (administrator)
0071892: [General] NCReport Console: Windows - New generated PDF doesn’t overwrite existing PDF (administrator)
0071882: [General] Page footer optional show/hide depending on page number (administrator)
0071875: [Report engine library] count-variable miscounts (administrator)
0071894: [General] Depracated QtScript to move to QJSEngine under Qt5 (administrator)
0071895: [Designer] add Null-Pointer check (administrator)
0071893: [General] Script functions to accept parameters (administrator)
0071887: [Designer] group expression modifications ignored (administrator)
0071890: [General] Optional configuring the system default screen resolution (96dpi / 120dpi) (administrator)
0071884: [General] Text item in plain text mode: to have alignment option. (administrator)
0071883: [Designer] Break to page option for Field item (administrator)
v2.20.1 - 31.Maj.2017
0071874: [General] Details: related child details for printing complex detail with page break (administrator)
0071878: [General] Errors during make process on macOS (administrator)
0071837: [Designer] Data source dialog: Access Parameters or any parameter insert helper (administrator)
0071840: [Report engine library] Incorrect breaking table when page breaks (administrator)
0071868: [General] set resolution via Designer (administrator)
0071876: [Report engine library] Blank first page when group starts on new page. (administrator)
0071869: [Designer] Registering custom roles of data source with assigned symbol (administrator)
0071870: [Report engine library] Setting default role of data source (administrator)
0071873: [Report engine library] Preview -> Pdf; Pdf size issue under Qt5 (administrator)
v2.20.3 - 29.Apr.2017
0071841: [Report engine library] NCReport::runReportToPdf gives failed assertion when called in non-GUI thread (administrator)
0071863: [General] Several minor fixes and updates (administrator)
0071862: [General] QGraphicsView Print Support for printing Qt5 Charts or any QGraphicsView content (administrator)
0071857: [Report engine library] Major data source management error (administrator)
0071860: [Report engine library] Missing Hungarian translation for tooltip (administrator)
0071858: [Designer] “Use model appearance roles” skips the normal style options (administrator)
0071861: [Report engine library] First value missing in double-pass-mode (administrator)
v2.20.2 - 31.Mar.2017
0071856: [General] Minor fixes, updates (administrator)
0071853: [Report engine library] Data relation system classes - clarification (administrator)
0071854: [Report engine library] TableView item: logical/visual index is not correct when user reorders the table columns (administrator)
0071855: [Report engine library] Console mode compile/running support of report engine. (Without X server) (administrator)
0071838: [Designer] Data Source Dialog: SQL tester easy go back to the query (administrator)
0071852: [Report engine library] TableView item HTML output features (administrator)
0071847: [Report engine library] page-break twice (administrator)
0071848: [Report engine library] icon for ‘NCReportPreviewWindowPrivate::actionGo’ (administrator)
0071849: [Report engine library] text cut off in case of: AutomaticHeigth & WordWrapping (administrator)
v2.20.1 - 03.Jan.2017
0071817: [Designer] Sub Report will freeze if subquery returns no resultset (administrator)
0071818: [General] saving to PDF from the preview no warning if the PDF file is opened (blocked) (administrator)
0071845: [General] Several minor fixes, internal fixes (administrator)
0071776: [General] Field: Data Type ‘Duration’ (administrator)
0071843: [Report engine library] Barcode printing: QProcess error if QT_NO_PROCESS is defined (administrator)
0071844: [Designer] NCRDMainWindow::updateMenus() mnRun pointer error (administrator)
0071839: [General] Font size difference in PDF output and screen/designer under Mac (administrator)
0071842: [Report engine library] Data source relations - endless loop when no data in (middle) child data source (administrator)
0071834: [Designer] label for data-source in designer’s data-source-tree (administrator)
v2.20.0 - 30.Sep.2016
0071833: [General] Sub projects to use NCReport library instead of static integration (administrator) - resolved.
0071832: [General] Several minor fixes, internal fixes (administrator) - resolved.
0071825: [Report engine library] Pivot Table printing problem (administrator) - resolved.
0071826: [Report engine library] run report as PDF into QByteArray (administrator) - resolved.
0071827: [Report engine library] New preview window module (administrator) - resolved.
0071828: [Report engine library] Table view item - optional keeping aspect ratio (administrator) - resolved.
0071829: [Designer] Designer and Preview window - to enlarge the standard design screen resolution (administrator) - resolved.
0071830: [General] New GUI icon design (administrator) - resolved.
0071831: [Report engine library] preview-window: export to excel (administrator) - resolved.
v2.19.2 - 04.Jul.2016
0071822: [Report engine library] Table view printing - to support tree view (administrator) - resolved.
0071823: [General] Several minor fixes, internal fixes (administrator) - resolved.
0071820: [Designer] Lines to support 2nd point coordinates in property editor (administrator) - resolved.
0071821: [Designer] Line item - better support of selecting - to make it more responsive (administrator) - resolved.
v2.19.1 - 16.Apr.2016
0071811: [Report engine library] NCReport::addReportToBatch (administrator) - resolved.
v2.19.0 - 29.Feb.2016
0071480: [General] LABEL printing system (administrator) - resolved.
0071807: [General] Minor fixes in report engine and designer GUI (administrator) - resolved.
0071805: [Report engine library] Report source class to convert to pointer based. (administrator) - resolved.
0071806: [General] Endless, pageless media support (administrator) - resolved.
0071804: [General] Report source factory to better support custom report source management (administrator) - resolved.
v2.18.0 - 21.Dec.2015
0071800: [Report engine library] HTML Text document report was not working sometimes (administrator) - resolved.
0071796: [General] SVG image as (svg xml) parameter (administrator) - resolved.
0071681: [General] Generate Table of Contents from sections (administrator) - resolved.
0071794: [Report engine library] Static SVG image with SVG format not printed (administrator) - resolved.
0071797: [General] QPrinter support (printsupport) usage to make optional. (administrator) - resolved.
0071798: [General] QPdfWriter output introduction for supporting PDF output without printing support. (administrator) - resolved.
Other fixes
v2.17.0 - 15.Nov.2015
0071780: [Designer] progress-bar in Designer (run report multiple times) (administrator) - resolved.
0071778: [General] Barcode: Print only when no error (administrator) - resolved.
0071779: [Report engine library] NCRDItemWidgetFactory: ‘Q_OBJECT’-macro missing (administrator) - resolved.
0071791: [Designer] Report item validation check if the item can be placed to a section (administrator) - resolved.
0071664: [Report engine library] Group footer: access to first/last row of that group (administrator) - resolved.
0071781: [Report engine library] no report preview when variable uses ‘<%…%>’ and ‘not existing column’ (administrator) - resolved.
0071790: [Designer] Save Custom configuration text in Designer (administrator) - resolved.
0071787: [General] Data sources to enable/disable in the report (administrator) - resolved.
Several minor fixes
v2.16.0 - 21.Jul.2015
0071433: [Report engine library] Conditional formatting for Shapes (Rectangle, ellipse, line) (administrator) - resolved.
0071761: [General] To make Field settings dialog customisable for managing custom options. (administrator) - resolved.
0071777: [General] Dynamic, data driven shape color and line width (administrator) - resolved.
0071775: [General] Dynamic, data driven x, y positions and height (administrator) - resolved.
0071542: [Report engine library] Change page orientation while printing (administrator) - resolved.
0071753: [Designer] Designer: z-value when inserting items (administrator) - resolved.
0071776: [General] Field: Data Type ‘Duration’ (administrator) - resolved.
v2.15.1 - 08.Jun.2015
0071773: [Report engine library] Dynamic image file names not considered sometimes in case you select ‘File’ source type (administrator) - resolved.
0071772: [General] Minor fixes, updates and adjustments (administrator) - resolved.
0071666: [Designer] Support for dynamic/custom string element (administrator) - resolved.
0071771: [Report engine library] Crash in standard-deviation (administrator) - resolved.
0071761: [General] To make Field settings dialog customisable for managing custom options. (administrator) - resolved.
0071768: [Designer] Expression-Builder in Barcode-Properies-Dialog (administrator) - resolved.
v2.15.0 - 21.Mar.2015
0071761: [General] To make Field settings dialog customisable for managing custom options. (administrator) - resolved.
0071766: [General] Minor internal fixes (administrator) - resolved.
0071765: [Report engine library] Image: concatenate filename (administrator) - resolved.
0071756: [General] User defined functions to store script expressions in reports for re-using (administrator) - resolved.
0071759: [General] Built-in alternate background color for detail sections (administrator) - resolved.
v2.14.1 - 19.Feb.2015
0071763: [General] Minor internal fixes (administrator) - resolved.
0071754: [Report engine library] Some adjustments in NCReportPreviewWindow class for easy customization (administrator) - resolved.
0071762: [Designer] Copy the edited report source xml to clipboard in designer (administrator) - resolved.
0071755: [Report engine library] Data source scope check of variables - it was turned off (administrator) - resolved.
v2.14.0 - 16.Jan.2015
0071750: [Designer] additional function parameters in NCRDGraphItemDialogFactory (administrator) - resolved.
0071752: [General] Minor internal fixes, updates, adjustments (administrator) - resolved.
0071664: [Report engine library] Group footer: access to first/last row of that group (administrator) - resolved.
0071751: [General] Data trimming in groups to make optional (administrator) - resolved.
0071726: [Designer] Display input dialog for parameter (administrator) - resolved.
0071743: [General] Grouping by internal date functions: day, week, month, year (administrator) - resolved.
0071746: [General] Page filter support both with page range and list of pages for all report outputs. (administrator) - resolved.
0071735: [General] Language based localization (administrator) - resolved.
0071747: [Report engine library] QLocale settings to consider when the current language is set. (administrator) - resolved.
0071736: [General] Language dependent HTML template for Text item (administrator) - resolved.
v2.13.1 - 01.Dec.2014
0071737: [Report engine library] Image relative path issue Batch report mode (administrator) - resolved.
0071740: [Designer] Running report in batch mode Designer support (administrator) - resolved.
0071739: [Report engine library] Data source relation issues (administrator) - resolved.
Several small fixes
v2.13.0 - 01.Oct.2014
0071667: [Designer] Editor widget to choose data source fields/create templates: New Expression builder dialog
0071726: [Designer] Display input dialog for parameter: In Designer, if an existing parameter has ‘?’ value then it is requested by a QInputDialog before running the report from designer.
0071734: [Report engine library] Field Alignment issue: in Item model data sources using model based appearance roles now is optional
0071733: [Designer] virtual function for customizing Designer dialogs: virtual void customizeDialog( QDialog* dialog ); method introduced for all designer dialogs
0071729: [Designer] NCRDXMLDefReader export
0071730: [General] Table view item: optional hide rows and columns. Designer has hide rows and hide columns input where you can set comma separated list of row or column indexes.
0071731: [Report engine library] Barcode: QR code
0071723: [Report engine library] rotate PDF +/- 90: PDF, PRINTER outputs can be rotated: 90, -90, 270, 180 degrees
0071732: [Report engine library] make formal parameter ‘const’
0071725: [General] New data source relation system: DATA RELATIONS now is much better supported general feature. It is useful for SQL and Item Model data sources WARNING! The reports that apply the old subquery/relation system must be modified in this version:
- The detail's data source must be the root parent data source - All fields and expressions must have its data source identifier i.e: datasource.column To use the new data source relation system follow these rules: - A data source relation can be defined by simply set "child data source" and giving the parent data source id. (as usual) - 1 parent can have only 1 child (1 to many relation) - You can specify the primary key column index. If a primary key column is defined for the parent data source, you can use {PK} or {ID} expression in the child data source query. (This is useful only in SQL data sources) - If you assign a data source relation to a detail section always set the root parent data source to the detail. In earlier version we had to set the last child data source, but it is outdated in 2.13. - Use dataSourceUpdateRequest(const QString& dataSourceID, const QString& foreignKeyValue); signal to handle data source updates. - Use !$D{datasource.isEmpty()} print when expression of a detail section to hide the empty children data
0071724: [General] Screen/Font DPI problem when Windows Desktop set to 125%, 150% enlarged view - fixed.
0000000: Several other fixes and updates
v2.12.3 - 07.July.2014
0071722: [General] HTTP location type for Text and Xml datasources (administrator) - resolved.
0071721: [Report engine library] QDoubleSpinBox mapping issue within the NCRDWidgetMapper (administrator) - resolved.
0071714: [General] Markdown library to integrate (administrator) - resolved.
0071711: [Report engine library] Mac specific options: to fix directives for Qt5 (administrator) - resolved.
0071698: [Designer] NCRDTestDialogFactory-Project <–> export declarations (administrator) - resolved.
0071712: [Designer] Parameter dialog: load parameters from file (administrator) - resolved.
0071713: [Report engine library] Table view item to consider the header font (administrator) - resolved.
0071719: [General] Storing custom options in report xml file (administrator) - resolved.
0071715: [Designer] Access to the dialog’s QWidgetMapper objects (administrator) - resolved.
0071710: [Report engine library] Disabled SVG feature causes an compilation error (administrator) - resolved.
Several minor fixes
v2.12.2 - 22.may.2014
0071707: [General] Qt5.3 compatibility - resolved.
0071700: [Report engine library] Allow disabling of features for building with minimal Qt - resolved.
0071699: [Report engine library] Break condition for group headers - resolved.
0071705: [Report engine library] QAbstractItemModel data source to use Qt::FontRole for labels and fields - resolved.
0071671: [General] Memory optimalizations - resolved.
0071696: [Designer] Batch report mode: how I can change the numeration of pages? - resolved.
0071701: [Report engine library] sub report iteration: model changes doesn’t work - resolved.
0071698: [Designer] NCRDTestDialogFactory-Project <–> export declarations - resolved.
0071702: [Designer] tool tip in data source tree - resolved.
0071697: [Designer] Designer: run report: error: no item model is defined. - resolved.
0071683: [Designer] Variable assignment - resolved.
0071703: [Designer] Display-/Edit-Role in customDatasource - resolved.
Several minor changes fixes and updates
v2.12.1 - 15.apr.2014
0071590: [Report engine library] E-mail function to extend to the command line client (administrator) - resolved.
0071669: [Report engine library] Make SSL support in mail function optional (administrator) - resolved.
0071677: [Designer] Set Default width and text of the Field Item in Design mode (administrator) - resolved.
0071695: [Report engine library] Fix @SKIP_NEXT issue (administrator) - resolved.
0071691: [Designer] Default font style of the report (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough) to store (administrator) - resolved.
0071692: [Report engine library] Image with ‘URL from data source’ not updated (administrator) - resolved.
0071693: [Designer] designer crash when removing header/footer section (administrator) - resolved.
Several small adjusments and fixes
v2.12.0 - 31.mar.2014
0071663: [Designer] Extensions for customer graph element - resolved.
0071688: [Report engine library] Automatically use installed version of Zint - resolved.
0071689: [Report engine library] NCReportEvaluator class to make customizable - resolved.
0071674: [Report engine library] Relative path to the external file - resolved.
0071684: [Designer] auto completing in barcode properties window - resolved.
0071505: [Report engine library] XLS output format. (HTML customized for Excel) - resolved.
0071678: [General] Text data source to set the source text encoding - resolved.
0071666: [Designer] Support for dynamic/custom string element - resolved.
0071664: [Report engine library] Group footer: access to first/last row of that group - resolved.
0071665: [Designer] create new temporary datasources on the fly out of the provided datasources - resolved.
Designer user interface adjustments
Several other fixes, fine tuning and code clearing
v2.11.2 - 06.feb.2014
0071656: [Report engine library] PDF output is not selectable under MacOSX (administrator) - resolved.
0071648: [Report engine library] Printing a range of pages of batch report does not work (administrator) - resolved.
0071655: [Report engine library] Fix secure SSL mode in LMailSender class (administrator) - resolved.
0071647: [Designer] General Custom/Graph Item Dialog using user defined dialog class (administrator) - resolved.
0071650: [Report engine library] Html output: QTextStream no device message in command line client (administrator) - resolved.
0071649: [General] HTML output improvements: Head options (administrator) - resolved.
0071645: [Designer] Drag&Drop Label As Field - parse problem (administrator) - resolved.
Several minor fixes an fine tuning
v2.11.1 - 12.dec.2013
0071638: [Report engine library] Html Text Item: internal SCAN/ENDSCAN improvements (administrator) - resolved.
0071637: [Report engine library] HTML output improvements (administrator) - resolved.
0071634: [Report engine library] Use api level SQL connection ID besides connection ID defined in the report (administrator) - resolved.
0071636: [General] Ctrl+P shortcut to print (administrator) - resolved.
0071586: [Report engine library] 32/64 bit compile support in project file (administrator) - resolved.
0071628: [General] DisplayRole and EditRole functions (administrator) - resolved.
0071632: [General] FieldType to change to ItemSourceType (administrator) - resolved.
0071633: [Report engine library] Process Events mode in report director to make optional (administrator) - resolved.
0071509: [Report engine library] progress dialog (administrator) - resolved.
0071583: [Designer] Barcode: new item resource ‘Template’ (administrator) - resolved.
0071584: [General] reference to part of data sources field (administrator) - resolved.
0071619: [Report engine library] File missing! (administrator) - resolved.
0071615: [Report engine library] QImage mode - compile error (administrator) - resolved.
0071618: [Designer] NCRDMainWindow::saveAs(QString fileName) (administrator) - resolved.
v2.11.0 - 01.Okt.2013
0071605: [Report engine library] Preview system update for better memory footprint - implemented.
0071536: [Designer] Data Source Manager Tree to support easy review, edit and drag+drop of fields for data source values, parameters and variables - implemented.
0071604: [Report engine library] Qt5:Preview window + debug mode: Sometimes assert when preview rendering - resolved.
0071603: [Report engine library] Qt5: Preview Window: Thin lines/rectangles in preview are sometimes not shown when 100% view - resolved.
0071609: [Report engine library] Variables in the 2nd,3rd … data source to reset - resolved.
Other small fixes and adjusments
v2.10.1 - 17.Sep.2013
0071555: [Designer] Other datasource name is not active in “Custom” datasource - resolved.
0071594: [Report engine library] SVG output: row height problem when auto row height is on. - resolved.
0071579: [Report engine library] Preview Window to enable using print without print dialog - resolved.
0071566: [Report engine library] Regression: Rendering reports with report footer will fail with “Report footer is too large”. - resolved.
0071596: [Designer] UTF16 Report encoding to remove from Designer - closed.
Some other minor fixes
v2.10.0 - 15.Aug.2013
- 0071554: [General] Native HTML Output with CSS
- 0071552: [General] setDefaultOutputFileName in NCReportPreviewWindow
- 0071550: [Report engine library] Function to return whether data source has rows
- 0071549: [General] Optionally (auto) adjust/pin report objects to right
- 0071551: [General] Follow and save encoding setting of report XML file
- 0071349: [Report engine library] Email support
- 0071411: [Report engine library] Overriding a SQL data source
- 0071563: [Designer] Allowed to edit Report Item ID in setting dialogs
- 0071561: [General] Variable page reset scope to get worked
- 0071548: [Report engine library] IMAGE by parameter not displayed if hosted by XML datasource
- Designer adjustments
- Lot of fixes and improvements
v2.1.2 (Unpublished version) Release date: 08 Oct 2008
new features:
- QTextDocument printing is available in TextdocumentPrint mode. Only the page header and page footer are usable for this mode
- Total pages (pagecount) system variable for TextdocumentPrint mode
- Text document template feature logic has been changed. This service now enables texts in all item source types to be a template
- Fixed this bug: NCReportOutput->option() sometimes returned a broken pointer when NCReport object was deleted before print preview window closed.
- Using QImage instead of QPixmap for making report engine thread safe
- System variables now are evaluated in expressions
- Some other small fixes
v2.1.1 28 Jul 2008
- Page size and orientation now is dynamically changed when user selects another page size/orientation in printer dialog
- Insert Group between existing groups now is possible. The order of grouping levels can be set by Up/Down buttons in designer
- Zoom function works in Designer
External connId was not checked for Parameters
Parameters were not substituted in Field declaration
Designer: Multiple selected Item (text/line) properties now are applied in even different sections
Designer: Change now is detected when undo/redo operations occure
Printing report from Print preview window: Orientation was always Portrait, even if report is Landscape.
PDF output under Qt4.4 : Wrong resolution was set and wrong output was generated
Designer: Top Ruler moves and follows document when horizontal scrolling the report document
Some other small fixes
v2.1.0 - 18 Jun 2008
- Html/Text report item for QTextDocument printing. Dynamic height texts in detail
- Option dialog for setting grid options and some defaults
- New Test data editor main window. Multiple data tables are available with open from file feature. Test data are stored in one XML file
- Group can start on a new page feature
- Reprint group header on new page feature
- Page break on (logical expression) condition
- New toolbars for actions in designer
- Field’s character length make able to set (number of printable characters)
- Printer setup possibility (programatically) before printing from an application
- Preview Window: enhancement some of keyboard functions: PgUp, PgDn should change the page when at the bottom/top state
- Demo for using Designer (as shared lib) from an external Qt application
- Add and compile Designer as a shared lib (dll) project
- Designer’s main window: Toolbars, Geo editor state saving/restoring
- Firebird/Interbase database support in binary install package
- Resizeing buttons to make same width/height of items
- Description for fields for better perspicuity of design
Now preferences can be opened
Designer: Copy/Paste is now working in multi-document
Grouping “ghost” footer after a group footer page break in some situations fixed
Group dialog: reset variables list order now is OK
GROUPING bug fixed: The group level didn’t change if the higher level changed but the lower didn’t
QIBASE driver was wrong in designer/Datasources dialog/External connection combo
When the toolbar symbol zoomin or zoomout was clicked, the “percentage” combobox was not followed. It always staid at 100 %.
Group Header “print on every page” now is working
Movement with keyboard with more objects in different areas
System variable “pageno” brings 0 in Page Header
Windows Installer of designer has a garbled “Run in…” entry
Switch “Show grid” can be saved by option dialog
Changing values in the Geometry Editor did not set “changed”
Designer Detail: max. heigth of Design was 99.99 mm
Report without Page Header/Footer crashed
Designer crashed in some situation, when adding datasource
Many other small fixes and corrections
v2.0.11 - 26 May 2008
Designer: Selection handling - leaved sections become unselected when a new item is selected at another section
Report Error messages now contain SQL error messages
Fixed the bug: External (built-in) sql database connection was not saved correctly.(designer)
Fixed the bug: External (built-in) sql database connection did not work properly (driver code was saved in xml file instead of driver name )
Fixed bug: Name of report was Untitled again after reloading report.
Fixed the bug occured when left- and Right justify in multiple sections. Now the first selected item as ‘master’ item works in inter-section environment
Some actions did not affect document change: Page option dialog, image dialog … Now this is fixed
Print to PDF directly in preview window -> missing icon image is fixed
Designer: Qt4.4 compiled version does not enable toolbar’s comboboxes. Now this bug fixed.
v2.0.10 - 19 May 2008
Undo/Redo system now works properly! (TODO: some features are not yet supported for undo such as Paste/Formatting)
Empty rows forbidden option introduced to datasources. This option makes report engine able to forbid running report if a datasource is empty
DataTime field data type now is supported
Date / DateTime default format string is removed
Direct print to PDF feature has been added to preview window
Labels now have gray background for better size visibility
Geometric editor’s bug fixed: spinbox now is not restricted to max 100
Save action button/menu now is enabled only when the current document is modified.
Alignment system fixes: first selected item now is the ‘master’ item
Other small bugfixes in designer
## v2.0.9 - 13 May 2008
- Images now are able to be loaded from datasource by filename by using File name from Datasource feature
- Implemented runReportToPreview(), runReportToPDF(), runReportToPrinter() new functions to make running reports simpler
- Test data editor new feature added to designer
- Fixed compilation problem caused by that NCReportAbstractItemRendering source files were in both directories ‘designer’ and ‘ncreport’
- ncreportabstractitemrendering.cpp/.h files has been removed from ‘designer’ directory
- Documentation update: All documentations has been integrated into one by Doxygen
- Documentation update: A new Getting Started Guide added
- ncreportelements.h/cpp obsolete files has been removed from project
- Windows binary package is compiled with Qt4.3.4
- Some other small fixes
## v2.0.8 - 26 Mar 2008
Relative include paths are added to project (.pro) files. The relative file path references has been removed from #include directives in all source files.
Changes in NCReportDataSource class, dataRole parameter added to value() methods
NCReportItemModelDataSource class has been extended to handling Qt::EditRole, Qt::UserRole, Qt::DecorationRole for values
Designer now supports opening reports from SQL database and and saving reports to SQL database
Fixed the crash occured when opening report was unsucceeded and after selecting window menu in designer
IMPORTANT! Fixed the variable calculation bug in report engine that is occured after page break. The bug caused unneccessary update for variables, fields
Some other small fixes
v2.0.7 - 29 Feb 2008
Lib export directive fixes for specied classes to avoid link error under Windows when using ncreport2.lib
Examples/demos now can be compiled/linked without errors under Windows
Windows binary setup package now includes the compiled demos
Some project files renamed or added for full one step compilation
Preview window show pageno/pages in statusbar
datasource class now is implemented and documented
Demo for using Item Modeldatasource### Added
ID handling changes for StringList datasource and Item Model datasource both in engine and designer
Vertical bar and Custom delimiter character handling for Text and StringList datasources
Demo reports has been renamed
Some other small fixes
Word wrapping problem for Labels and Fiels fixed.
Extended the alignment feature to inter-section behaviour in Designer.
$ symbol now is acceptable in SQL query text box in Designer
Grid properties now apply to report header and footer when adding a new group in Designer.
Field’s width now is not changed after setting it’s properties.
Added a feature to datasources to be able to add as a parameter.
Fixes in datasource dialog in Designer.
Fixed the crash that occured when a new file was saved at the first time.
Added setReportDef() function to NCReport for adding report definition directly.
Some bugfixes in runner testform.
Fixed the GROUP LEVEL bug which caused a wrong group level processing in NCReport engine.
Added more example reports
Added Demos for examples of using NCReport class.
Documentations added or extended
Northwind Sample MySQL database script fixed to Utf-8 encoded
Many other small bugfixes
Running report from designer feature added
Fixes and additions in datasource dialog in designer
Fixed bug caused crash in designer when unsucceded open occured.
Fixed bug caused crash in designer when removed the last datasource from datasource panel
Z-order of report objects now is saved correctly by designer
Many other bugfixes and completions
NCReport object creation code moved to main.cpp -s
External object handling fixes for such as custom datasource, stringlist datasource, custom items
Sample of custom datasource added to runner test application’s main.cpp
Sample of stringlist datasource added to runner test application’s main.cpp
Sample of custom graph item added to runner test application’s main.cpp
More sample report file attached
Runner test form is redesigned
ts files generated for internationalization
internal and external SQL connection handling fixes
Multiple database connection feature in designer
Graph/custom item handling completions
Many bugfixes
Fixes, unpublished version
Many fixes and completing features